IV Drip Fat Burn is a treatment that is suitable for those who want to accelerate the weight loss process, increase energy and improve fat burning. In particular, it uses L-Carnitine through the veins to help burn fat effectively. The group of people who can benefit from IV Drip Fat Burn include
1. People who have difficulty losing weight
For those who have trouble losing weight despite dieting and exercising, IV Drip Fat Burn will help increase the efficiency of fat burning and help the body use accumulated fat for energy better.
Helps to pass the point of constant weight, which is often found during weight loss.
2. Athletes and those who exercise
Helps increase energy and endurance during exercise by making the body use fat as energy, allowing you to exercise longer.
Promote muscle recovery and reduce fatigue after heavy exercise.
3. People with slow metabolism
People with slow metabolism, such as those with hypothyroidism, will benefit from increasing fat burning with L-Carnitine, helping the body to burn fat better.
4. Busy professionals who do not have much time to exercise
For those who have little time to exercise and want to take care of their health, IV Drip Fat Burn will help speed up the fat burning process and increase energy levels in the body.
5. Postpartum mothers who want to lose weight
Women who want to lose weight after giving birth can take advantage of L-Carnitine, which helps burn accumulated fat and increase energy after pregnancy.
6. People who are interested in slowing down aging and longevity
People who want to slow down aging by taking care of their health and maintaining proper body proportions You will benefit from IV Drip Fat Burn which helps reduce excess fat and increase muscle mass while restoring energy to your cells. MEDA
If you want to lose weight, it is recommended to drip Fat burn vitamin along with exercise.
You should exercise for at least 40-50 minutes a day to help break down fat better. And control your food intake, choose protein, reduce carbohydrates, reduce sugar.
accelerates metabolism, reduces proportions
Fat Burn Helps accelerate metabolism The more you exercise, the firmer you get
Vitamins contain L-Carnitine, which helps burn fat in the body, helping to tighten, reduce fat mass, increase muscle mass and reduce fatigue
Can reduce inflammation in the body (hs-CRP) and has no negative effects on the body
Vitamin D Fat burn contains VitaminB3, B6 and many amino acids that will help increase L-Carnitine levels in the body, allowing it to burn fat better. It also contains other vitamins such as B complex, B12, VitaminC. These nutrients help improve the body’s work processes.
L-Carnitine can be created by the body in the liver and kidneys from 2 amino acids called Lysine and Methionine, which the body uses in the process of pulling fat and sending it to create energy in the mitochondria.
Therefore, L-Carnitine plays an important role in the process of breaking down fatty acids in the body.
1. Helps burn fat for energy effectively when combined with exercise
2. Helps enhance “Growth Hormone”, restores the body’s work processes, and improves growth
3. Helps reduce fat levels to the cellular level, converting them into energy for the body to use in daily life
4. Helps reduce accumulated fat in muscles, giving a proportionate and healthy figure
5. Helps reduce weight and reduce cravings
6. Increases exercise performance and brain function
7. Reduces physical fatigue
8. Helps repair muscles and prevent muscle loss to the cellular level
9. Promotes health, helps prevent heart disease, diabetes, and chronic inflammation
10. FAT BURN vitamins can be given together with other vitamins
– Inform the doctor of any chronic diseases or medications and vitamin supplements that you are taking before receiving the IV vitamin drip service every time.
– Get enough rest, at least 6-8 hours, to prepare the body before the drip.
– It is recommended to drink plenty of water.
– Avoid alcoholic beverages for at least 1-2 days.
– Caffeine will help accelerate fat burning during exercise.
– Green tea extract is rich in catechins, which have antioxidant properties and help stimulate the body’s fat burning system.
– L-Carnitine is an important amino acid that helps change fat stored in the body into energy, thus helping to burn fat.
1. Direct absorption into the bloodstream
IV Drip or vitamin drip will allow vitamins and nutrients to be delivered directly into the bloodstream through the veins, allowing the body to absorb nutrients immediately and fully without having to go through the digestion process in the stomach and small intestine, which is a big advantage compared to taking dietary supplements that must go through the digestive system first.
2. IV Drip is suitable for people with digestive system problems.
Some people have problems related to the digestive system, such as incomplete digestion, intestinal diseases, or malabsorption of nutrients. Therefore, IV Drip or vitamin drip is a good choice for those who want to receive nutrients effectively. Because vitamin drip helps the body receive necessary nutrients directly without having to rely on the digestive system.
3. IV Drip can adjust the formula to suit the needs of each individual.
Vitamin drip can adjust the formula to suit the needs of each individual, such as formulas to restore the body, strengthen the immune system, or nourish the skin. Adjusting the formula for each individual in IV Drip allows the body to receive the necessary nutrients in the amount appropriate for their health status and specific needs.
– Avoid direct sunlight. If you need to be outdoors, apply sunscreen with SPF 50+ or higher.
– Quit smoking and refrain from drinking alcohol indefinitely.
– Apply skincare products regularly.
– Eat healthy and well-nourished foods.
– Drink enough water, 2-3 liters per day.
– Exercise regularly, at least 3 times a week, 30 minutes each time.
ดร.นพ.ธีรศักดิ์ แพทยาดิกุล
Dr.Teerasak Pattayadeekul
อาจารย์พิเศษ Dermatology and Regenerative medicine สำนักเวชศาสตรชะลอวัย ม.แม่ฟ้าหลวง / แพทย์ปริญญาเอก สาขา ผิวหนัง ศัลยกรรมผิวหนัง/เลเซอร์/ความงาม
พญ.ทวีพร ตรีประภากร
Dr.Thaweeporn Treepraphakorn
แพทย์ อเมริกันบอร์ดปลูกผม (ABHRS)
ลานนาวดีคลินิกมี 4 สาขาใกล้บ้านท่าน
📍สาขาเชียงใหม่ แยกดอนจั่น 574 ถนน เชียงใหม่-ลำปาง ต.ท่าศาลา อ.เมืองเชียงใหม่ จ.เชียงใหม่ Tel.053-230257 /062-3103797 /062-3103798
📍สาขาเชียงใหม่ ลานนาวดีคลินิก มีโชคพลาซ่า 206/17 ต.ฟ้าฮ่าม อ.เมือง จ.เชียงใหม่
Tel.053-230258 /062-3103799 /062-3103800
📍สาขากรุงเทพ รังสิต
📍สาขาพัทยา 194/5และ194/6 หมู่9 ต.หนองปรือ อ.บางละมุง , Chon Buri, Thailand, Chon Buri
จันทร์ – ศุกร์ 10.00 – 19.30 น.
เสาร์ – อาทิตย์ 10.30 – 19.30 น.